In a craft room, you want to allow your creative side to shine through. It will necessitate some effort to get your craft room in order, but the result will be worth it. Start by getting all of your craft supplies together and putting them in order. Then, look for places to store these things where they’ll be easy to grab and use during a project. Use arrangement as a chance to show off things that make you feel good.

Collect all of your craft supplies

Grab a basket and, if you want, go through your entire house gathering all the tools and craft supplies you need. Bring them into the room you’ve set aside for crafts and put everything in the middle of the floor. Once you think you’ve got it all, go through it again to be sure. In the same way, look around your craft room for things that don’t belong there too and start moving them out.

Sort your supplies by the kind of thing they are

Look at your pile of supplies and start to separate them into smaller piles based on what they are used for. Put all of your wrappings together, for example. First, all the fabrics should go together. When these 1st piles are done, you can go home through them and sort them by size and color to make them even smaller. Put all the red wrapper together, for example.

  • At this point, your room might look like a controlled mess, so walk carefully or you might trip over one of one’s piles. Because of this, attempt to keep both these people out of the room, at least for now.

Choose what to give

As you sort, look for things that would be good to donate. You might have extras of some things or supplies left over from projects you’re done with and have moved on from. Make sure that anything you give away is safe for someone else to use. Don’t give things like broken glass or scissors that are rusty.

Contributions of craft supplies are always welcome at charities, schools, and libraries, as long as they are in good shape. This is a great chance to talk to other people about your interest in crafts.

Make a trash pile and throw it away

Find things that must be thrown away as you sort. These could be things you no longer use but can’t give away because of their condition or number. You should also throw away any materials that are no longer useful, like glue that has dried out or ribbons that are frayed. 

Perform this action once every few weeks

As life goes on, it’s likely that many of your supplies will leave your craft space again. Sorting and cleaning your space often, especially after finishing a big project, will help keep it clean and useful.

  • Also, give yourself at least ten minutes when you’re done trying to work in your craft room to pick up and put things back where they belong. Even this short amount of time can make a big difference in how your craft room looks in the long run.

Use plastic containers

When it comes to organizing a craft room, this is the best way to store things. They are easy to stack and come in many different sizes. Also, they fit nicely on a cube shelf. You can see what’s within the clear bins, which makes it easy to find what you need.

  • Based on how you put your bins together, you’ll need to buy ones that open from the top or from the front. Look for containers with tight-fitting lids to keep your supplies from falling out.
  • Bins are also very helpful when you are working with messy things like paint. They also have paint fumes.
  • Make sure to buy extra bins and leave room in the ones you’re already using for any new supplies you might buy.

Read more: How to put binders on a shelf in order